Transaction QRcode payment


The Transaction QR Code Payment solution is making use of the dynamically produced QR code to represent a transaction. In this payment solution, the customer does not need to input the transaction amount, but scan the generated QR code to complete the payment.

Internet connection is required when customers use Alipay app to scan the merchant QR code to pay.


participant Customer
Merchant->scanforpay: 1. Create order
scanforpay->Payment\nPlatform: 2. Create Order
Payment\nPlatform->scanforpay: 3. Return transaction\ninformation and qrcode
scanforpay->Merchant: 4. Return transaction\ninformation and qrcode
Customer->Merchant: 5.Scan the\nqrcode to pay
Customer->Payment\nPlatform: 6. pay
Payment\nPlatform-->Customer: 7. Notify the result
Payment\nPlatform-->scanforpay: 7. Notify the result
scanforpay-->Merchant: 8. Notify the result

Create QRCode API

Service URL

Request Body
Name Parameter Type Required Description
Store ID storeNo String (15) Y Assigned by scanforpay
Merchant Order Number partnerOrderNo String (32) Y Generated by merchant
Wallet wallet String (10) Y Wechat: Wechat Pay
Alipay: Alipay
Transaction Amount orderAmount int Y The unit of the transaction amount is the smallest unit of the currency
If the currency is RMB, the unit is Fen. So if the transaction amount is 1 Yuan, 100 should be passed;if curreny is JPY, the unit is Japanese Yen
Transaction description orderTitle String(100) N Transaction description
Operator ID operatorId String(20) N 100001
Terminal ID terminalNo String(20) N 100002
Notify Url notifyUrl String(200) N System will call this url when payment succeed.
If this is empty, system will not notify the result
    "request": {
        "header": {
            "requestTime": "2018-07-25T17:53:52+08:00",
            "partnerNo": "10001",
            "signType": "SHA256",
            "version": "1.0",
            "reqMsgId": "615c1195-0cd0-421c-b612-538bf03eabc7"
        "body": {
            "storeNo": "100010000000002",
            "partnerOrderNo": "p20180725175352983070",
            "wallet": "Alipay",
            "orderAmount": 2000,
            "orderTitle": "Consume",
            "operatorId": "211918"
    "signature": "d02a1a795d3878d4cea551f55091bcf9fb05efcfda289e7bc781e2ceefa8a931"
Response body
Name Parameter Type Required Description
Response code code int(5) Y 1:success,Others: fail
Response message msg varchar (100) Y Response message
Tranaction Qrcode qrcode varchar(100) Y The QR code of the transaction.
Order Number orderNo varchar(32) Y Generageted by scanforpay
Merchant Order Number partnerOrderNo String (32) Y Generated by merchant
Big qrcode picture qrcodeImageL varchar(200) Y The big-sized QR code of the transaction.
Normal qrcode picture qrcodeImageM varchar(200) Y The normal-sized QR code of the transaction.
Small qrcode picture qrcodeImageS varchar(200) Y The smalls-sized QR code of the transaction.
Successful response sample
    "response": {
        "header": {
            "partnerNo": "10001",
            "respTime": "2018-07-25T17:54:11+08:00",
            "signType": "SHA256",
            "version": "1.0",
            "reqMsgId": "a47ceb57-9c1c-4190-88ec-30ae1e413d89"
        "body": {
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "success",
            "orderNo": "2018072517535241",
            "partnerOrderNo": "p20180725175352983070",
            "qrcode": "",
            "qrcodeImageS": "",
            "qrcodeImageM": "",
            "qrcodeImageL": "",
    "signature": "a90a7457b39304645bf6eb18383e60d96c23361d238f319c6b6d5511c7044432"
Failed response sample
    "response": {
        "header": {
            "partnerNo": "10001",
            "respTime": "2018-07-25T17:37:14+08:00",
            "signType": "SHA256",
            "version": "1.0",
            "reqMsgId": "c11fe1c7-069b-4399-be00-31830a5de63d"
        "body": {
            "code": 30
            "msg": "订单不存在",
    "signature": "5719065ecea463366cbf39b728b9b8cba940365c0c053dd96effde57f7edc1f8"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""