Obtaining reconciliation files


You can obtain the reconciliation files by this API.

If a merchant has multiple stores, the records will be merged into one file.

The reconciliation files are generated after 9:00am on T + 1 (T is the transaction day), and if there's no transaction on T day, there's no file generated.

Both the settlement time and the trading time are in Beijing Time (GMT+8).

Service URL


Request Body
Name Parameter Type Required Description
Merchant ID merchantNo String (15) Y Assigned by ScanForPay
Trade date tradeDate String(8) Y Format: yyyyMMdd, timezome: GMT+8
Type type int Y 0:transaction file 1:settlement file
    "request": {
        "header": {
            "requestTime": "2018-07-25T18:06:05+08:00",
            "partnerNo": "10001",
            "signType": "SHA256",
            "version": "1.0",
            "reqMsgId": "fd03f269-3180-4575-8af0-8f6cf324fb0f"
        "body": {
            " merchantNo": "100010000000002",
            " tradeDate ": "20181029",
            "type": 0,
    "signature": "2d2d5c66a67a24b5e13705cc38f34d93c395a7d9e0e4ff9425c9ce07b806a1cc"
Response body
Name Parameter Type Required Description
Response code code int(5) Y 1:Success Other: Fail
Response message msg varchar (100) Y Response message
Is there data? flag int Y 0:No 1:Yes
Download url url varchar(100) N The download url of the transaction file or settlement file.
The url will expire in 10 minutes, please fetch again after expired.
Successful response sample
    "response": {
        "header": {
            "partnerNo": "10001",
            "respTime": "2018-07-25T18:06:12+08:00",
            "signType": "SHA256",
            "version": "1.0",
            "reqMsgId": "213ca19e-c75f-450d-9acf-46e860570bb9"
        "body": {
            "code": 1,
            "msg": "success",
            "flag ": 1,
            "url": "https://file.scanforpay.com/sfagdkfhgf-9812312fd0fdasf-bmzd2"
    "signature": "0710b2630b467c14b3d54295def7f89be61097c21472547823b43c58f3466b08"
Failed response sample
    "response": {
        "header": {
            "partnerNo": "10001",
            "respTime": "2018-07-25T17:37:14+08:00",
            "signType": "SHA256",
            "version": "1.0",
            "reqMsgId": "c11fe1c7-069b-4399-be00-31830a5de63d"
        "body": {
            "code": 30
            "msg": "Order does not exist",
    "signature": "5719065ecea463366cbf39b728b9b8cba940365c0c053dd96effde57f7edc1f8"

Transaction file format

Filename:MerchantID + "_transaction_" +transaction date+ ".csv

For example: MerchantID is 100300021, transaction date is 20190106, so the filename is 100300021_transaction_20190106.csv

Transaction file only includes the successful transaction records.

The first row of the file is header, from the second is the data. Fields are separated by ,.

Record detail
Name Parameter Type Description
Transaction time transTime String(25) Date time with timezone, see RFC 3339 Section 5.6 for details.
Store Id storeNo String (15) Assigned by ScanForPay
Order number orderNo varchar(32) Generated by ScanForPay
Transation type transType varchar(10) payment, refund
Paterner order number partnerOrderNo String (32) Generated by merchant
Currency currency varchar(5) eg: JPY
Transaction amount orderAmount int The unit of the transaction amount is the smallest unit of the currency
If the currency is RMB, the unit is Fen. So if the transaction amount is 1 Yuan, 100 should be passed;if currency is JPY, the unit is Japanese Yen
Settlement currency orgCurrency varchar(5) eg:JPY
Transaction amount in settlement currency orgOrderAmount int When currency is different from settlement currency, this is the real amount of a transaction.
Exchange rate exchangeRate num(20,8) The exchange rate between currency and Settlement currency. If same, the value is 1.
Fee feeAmount int When refund, (refund amount * service fee rate) will be returned to merchant.

Settlement file format

Filename:MerchantID + "_settlement_" +transaction date+ ".csv

For example: MerchantID is 100300021, transaction date is 20190106, so the filename is100300021_settlement_20190106.csv

The first row of the file is header, from the second is the data. Fields are separated by ,.

Record detail
Name Parameter Type Description
Transaction time transTime String(25) Date time with timezone, see RFC 3339 Section 5.6 for details.
Store Id storeNo String (15) Assigned by ScanForPay
Order number orderNo varchar(32) Generated by ScanForPay
Transation type transType varchar(10) payment, refund
Paterner order number partnerOrderNo String (32) Generated by merchant
Currency currency varchar(5) eg: JPY
Transaction amount orderAmount int The unit of the transaction amount is the smallest unit of the currency
If the currency is RMB, the unit is Fen. So if the transaction amount is 1 Yuan, 100 should be passed;if currency is JPY, the unit is Japanese Yen
Settlement currency orgCurrency varchar(5) eg:JPY
Transaction amount in settlement currency orgOrderAmount int When currency is different from settlement currency, this is the real amount of a transaction.
Exchange rate exchangeRate num(20,8) The exchange rate between currency and Settlement currency. If same, the value is 1.
Fee feeAmount int When refund, (refund amount * service fee rate) will be returned to merchant.
Settlement amount settlement int The amount will be settled to the merchant.
Payment transaction: Settlement amount=Transaction amount-Fee
Refundament transaction:Settlement amount=Fee-Refund amount

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